Criticism & Compliments

In our reviews archive, you can find a collection of press commentary on our productions from recent years.


"Richard Aczel’s plays are miniature symphonies: melodious, lyrical, deeply emotional [...] great theatre."

Kölner Stadtanzeiger


All full texts are given in the German original.


William Shakespeare's TWELFTH NIGHT

"In this wonderfully atmospheric production, director Richard Aczel succeeds at guiding his audience into a world of entanglements, contradictions, and desires."

Kölner Stadtanzeiger


Is It Still Day?

"Precise choreographies [...] poignant direction [...] very powerful actors [...] smart lighting. An event that one should wish to experience more often."

Kölnische Rundschau


Crying in Public

"An intelligent production, thrilling to the very end."

Kölnische Rundschau


The Company of Fish

"The actors merge into a single eight-headed mind and display an enormous physical presence."

Kölner Stadtanzeiger


Moderate Light Fastness

"Formal virtuosity, acutely performed, passionate, sparkling and frivolous."



Why so all at once at home?

"A sensational discovery: The theatre of Port in Air is ravishing."

Kölnische Rundschau